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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2023

The last crusade....

 Elsa.- El diario del Grial, lo tenías tú. No confíaste en mi. Indiana Jones.- No te conocía. Al menos te deje acompañarme. Elsa.- Uuuooo ya, dales una flor y te seguirán a donde sea. Indiana Jones.- ¡Venga ya! No estás enfadada. Elsa.- ¿No? Indiana Jones.- ¡No! Te gusta como hago las cosas. Elsa.- Por suerte yo no las hago igual. ¡Aún estarías esperando en el muelle! Indiana Jones.- Oye, ¿qué te crees que está ocurriendo aquí? Desde que te conozco casi me han incinerado, ahogado, disparado y convertido en carnaza. Estamos metidos en algo siniestro, creo que papá encontró algo más de lo que buscaba. Y hasta que esté seguro continuaré haciendo todo como creo que debe hacerse (y le da un beso). Elsa.- ¿Cómo te atreves a besarme (y le da un beso)? Indiana Jones.- ¡Déjame en paz! No me gustan las mujeres fáciles (y la besa). Elsa.- Y yo odio a los hombres arrogantes...   Hi lovelies this time im coming with new creations by Minimal,Belle Epoque,Diram, and Madpea Wearing the Angelica dr


  La que te dijo que un vacío se llena con otra persona te miente Es como tapar una herida con maquillaje, no se ve, pero se siente Te fuiste diciendo que me superaste (Ey) y te conseguiste nueva novia (Novia) Lo que ella no sabe es que tú todavía me está' viendo toa' la historia' (No; papi) Bebé, ¿qué fue?, ¿no pues que muy tragaíto'? (-íto') ¿Qué haces buscándome el la'o? Si sabes que yo errores no repito (Ey, papi) Dile a tu nueva bebé que por hombres no compito Que deje de estar tirando, que al meno' yo te tenía bonito...... Hi lovelies today im coming with this lovelies gurls from colombia for introduce you the new creation by Catarsis for Access Event  they wearing the  Devil in a New Dress (Using on legacy and reborn) Mood

Forever my love....

  La luz de tu mirar, tu hermoso caminar No existe nadie como tú The sky magenta blue, it's only me and you Your eyes lit up are just the moon Sé que habrán momentos de sufrimiento But we'll be okay No soy perfecto, pero En dondequiera que estés, ahí estaré Hoy y mañana, por siempre, mi amor Y si me voy, recuerda que For now and tomorrow, forever my love Aunque no crea en mí, tú me haces sentir Que soy mejor de lo que pienso Cuando te conocí, me hiciste tan feliz Me diste un nuevo comienzo Sé que habrán momentos de sufrimiento But we'll be okay No soy perfecto, pero En dondequiera que estés, ahí estaré Hoy y mañana, por siempre, mi amor Y si me voy, recuerda que For now and tomorrow, por siempre mi amor.....   Hi lovelies today we coming with a lovely couple pose by AMITIE called To Love I Couple Pose    and our pet rushell terrier de Jian (pose looking down) at The fifty Event   Mood


  Picture a place where it all doesn't hurt Where everything's safe and it doesn't get worse Oh my We see through bloodshot eyes Picture a place, somewhere else far away Where you know what they mean and they mean what they say To us And would that be enough? Are we runnin' out of time? Are we hidin' from the light? Are we just too scared to fight For what we want tonight? Close your eyes and leave it all behind Go where love is on our side It's a trust fall, baby.... Hi lovelies today im coming with new items by DEAD DOLL and TRES BLAH Wearing the Jayda Overknee Boots by Dead Doll  (color hud using legacy option) and Wrap skirt and Tie back sweater by Tres Blah   Mood

Never Gonna not dance again ....

  If someone told me that the world would end tonight You could take all that I got, for once I wouldn't start a fight You could have my liquor, take my dinner, take my fun My birthday cake, my soul, my dog, take everything I love But, oh, one thing I'm never gonna do Is throw away my dancin' shoes and Oh, Lord, don't try me, really, not tonight I'll lay down and die I'll scream and I'll cry We've already wasted enough time I'm never gonna not dance again I'm never gonna not dance again Oh, I just wanna pop and lock to my records There go all of my clothes Never gonna not dance again (oh)....   Hi lovelies today im coming with new items available at Access Event,using the Palette Lee Sweater and Han boot by Tentacio , both available at Access Event     Mood


Some days I can't say why I'm feeling lonely And some days I am too proud to ask for help And I stumble through the noise trying to find some peace A stranger in the crowd, I lose myself So I walk down to the river Where the troubles, they can't find me Let the waters there remind me The sun will be there when we wake I walk down to the river Though I might not understand it It's not always as we planned it But we grow stronger when we break So I walk down to the river I walk down to the river....   Hi lovelies today im coming with a new creations by Catarsis and Equal    Wearing the Ku Lo sa Set by Catarsis at Level Event (later on mainstore), and Jenna Boots by Equal     Mood  


  Hola, ¿Qué hay? Seguro que te han dicho que soy esa chica Que siempre va de fiesta, una bala perdida Apuesto a que alguien ya te lo decía Hasta tu hermana te aconseja dejarla pasar Que las mujeres como yo nunca son de fiar Pero escribiste al poco tiempo y ahora estoy sintiendo Que yo también te pienso (Dios, qué fastidio) Es que mi pulso es errático Cuando te encuentro en la calle es como un derbi de copa Somos como un clásico La chica con la que vas, me ha recordado a mi ex Que era un capullo galáctico Y hay una parte de ti que forma parte mí Sería eterno y fantástico Que todo fuera más práctico, más elástico, baby.....   Hi lovelies today im coming with some creations by Rezz Room, Tetra and RaonHausen wearing the Off shoulder jacket by Tetra ,Nicole hair for Evox by RaonHausen ,Main Coon aristocrat (shoulder) by Rezz Room ,MoonChocker by MoonRabbit   Mood

The Pool...

  To fall in love isn't easy when you're afraid of heights But, I can't help but fall when I look into your eyes So blue, I love the hue But more than that I do love you and Every night I'm in bed, I fight to keep you from my mind And almost every day that's how I spend most of my time It's true, there is no use I can't escape the thought of you, so Would you trust me to catch you at the bottom of the pool? If I told you my whole heart that I loved you, that I loved you that, I loved you But I'm afraid, I'm scared of those romantic words, you see? Ain't it ironic how those are just the songs I sing about? My lovely, do you rеally love me? When I hеar you whisper under your breath.....   Hi lovelies today we coming with new items by K&S,ERRATIC,USAGI SOCIETY Wearing the Irina trousers by Erratic at Access Event ,Hair By Usagi Society called Marin at Access Event. Backdrop called Neon Matters at Hentai fair  by K&S   Mood

Apelle Moi

  Dis-moi, dis-moi que toi aussi Je t’aime à l’infini, tu es l’amour de ma vie, ma vie. La nuit j’ai tellement envie, baby viens ici, tout en toi me sourit, sourit ! Appelle-moi je deviens dingue quand tu ne me réponds pas, j’ai tant besoin de ta voix, T’es le désir de mes jours, envie de toi mon amour ! Appelle-moi... Appelle-moi... Appelle-moi, j’ai tant besoin mon amour Sans toi, j’ai envie de toi, quand t’es loin de moi, je veux être dans tes bras, tes bras Avec toi, ce sont des moments de joie Partout où j’y vais avec toi Baby tu excites ma voix, ma voix Appelle-moi, je deviens dingue quand tu ne me réponds pas, j’ai tant besoin de ta voix, T’es le désir de mes jours, envie de toi mon amour ! Appelle-moi... Appelle-moi... Appelle-moi, j’ai tant besoin mon amour Appelle-moi, je deviens dingue quand tu ne me réponds pas, j’ai tant besoin de ta voix, T’es le désir de mes jours, envie de toi mon amour ! Appelle-moi... Appelle-moi... Appelle-moi, j’ai tant besoin mon amo


  Siempre que hablamos terminamos en lo mismo Los dos queremos pero nunca va a pasar Ya estás con alguien con quién pasar los domingos Pero estamos igual nos falta una mitad la mitad de me muero por verte Pero no va a pasar Vuelvo mañana y tú te fuiste ayer Cuando regreses yo ya no estaré No sé que pasa que ya nunca coincido contigo Maldito juego de ajedrez....   Hi lovelies today im coming with a new creation by DEAD DOLL called Ruby Dress at Cupid Inc, later on mainstore (using legacy option)  Mood

Gossip... :P

  Welcome to the city of lies Where everything's got a price It's gonna be your new favorite place You can be a movie star And get everything you want Just put some plastic on your face This place is a circus, you just see the surface They cover shit under the rug You can't see they're faking, they'll never be naked Just fill your drink with tonic gin, this is the American dream, so Sip the gossip, drink 'til you choke Sip the gossip, burn down your throat You're not iconic, you are just like them all Don't act like you don't know, so Sip the gossip, drink 'til you choke Sip the gossip, burn down your throat You're not iconic, you are just like them all Don't act like you don't know, ooh....   Hi lovelies today im coming with new Items by LOWEN,AMITIE,ADD ON + ,PURE POISON  Wearing the Devon Bodysuit and skirt by LOWEN at Kustom9 Event,hairbase  by ADD ON + called Amanda for Evox at Access, Bee Nails and rings by Pure poison at Ac

Lost on you....

  When you get older, plainer, saner When you remember all the danger we came from Burning like embers, falling, tender Long before the days of no surrender Years ago, and well you know Smoke them if you got them Because it's going down All I ever wanted was you I'll never get to heaven Because I don't know how Let's raise a glass or two To all the things I lost on you Tell me, are they lost on you? Just that you could cut me loose After everything I've lost on you Is that lost on you? Is that lost on you? Baby, is that lost on you? Is that lost on you?....   Hi lovelies its Access Time and coming with new items by PROMAGIC,LYRIUM and PUMEC Wearing the Sita corset and Denim and Musk Boots by Promagic at Access Event  Skin called Denise by Pumec for Evox heads at Access Event   Pose and lighter  by Lyrium   (pose packs Pippa and Love ish ) at Acc

Zitti e Buoni...

  Loro non sanno di che parlo Vestiti sporchi, fra', di fango Giallo di siga fra le dita Io con la siga camminando Scusami ma ci credo tanto Che posso fare questo salto E anche se la strada è in salita Per questo ora mi sto allenando E buonasera signore e signori Fuori gli attori Vi conviene toccarvi i coglioni Vi conviene stare zitti e buoni Qui la gente è strana tipo spacciatori Troppe notti stavo chiuso fuori Mo li prendo a calci 'sti portoni Sguardo in alto tipo scalatori Quindi scusa mamma se sto sempre fuori ma Sono fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro...   Hi lovelies today im coming with new items by Equal and Vision Wearing the Nyra Set by Vision (bodysuit and skirt), and Neve Boots by Equal     mood

Por el resto de tu vida....

  Tú te ibas Pero ya es de día Que otra noche más que fuiste mía ¿Ahora qué hacemos si esto va en serio? Hago todo para que tú sonrías Y esas cosas no parecen mías No sé qué es esto Pero me presto Si el amor solamente pasa una vez en la vida Tranqui que yo puedo pasar otra vez, a ver si me miras Ya lo sé, esos ojitos no saben mentir Esa boquita no sabe mentir La verdad solo es una y te voy a decir Que si te vas acostumbrando A que te diga Que te pareces tanto a lo que soñé Ya me estoy acostumbrando A tu sonrisa Dime si tienes planes ¿Qué vas a hacer por el resto de tu vida?.... Hi lovelies today we coming with the new creations by MINIMAL,THALIA HECKROTH and EBODY Wearing the Luna Set by Thalia Heckroth for Ebody Reborn more sizes available in mainstore Backdrop and Decor by MINIMAL (Basket and bath stuff not included) called Glam Bathroom at Collabor 88 Mood


  It's just another night Just another fight for my life It's alright, because everything dies Nobody know why Wetin I go do? Wetin you go do when you feeling like you're falling And you can't find nothing to hold on to? Memories ahh-ooh Carry me go Carry me go, oh na, yeah Sick and tired of it all, take me far away Mr. DJ, gbemi trabaye Now I no fit trust anybody Na hin mek I no fit shout.....   Hi lovelies today im coming with the new creation by Lelutka a new Evox Head comes, called Siwa, this awesome mesh head comes with glitter add on too (im using the sawa original shape), my dress comes by Belle Epoque called Carolina (using pink tone more on hud) Mood


  We let the waters rise We drifted to survive I needed you to stay But I let you drift away My love where are you? My love where are you? Whenever you're ready, whenever you're ready Whenever you're ready, whenever you're ready Can we, can we surrender?......     Hi lovelies im back again, with a new items by Tres Blah and Rezz Room Wearing the Flufi Cardy out by Tres Blah at Fameshed and Valentin Pig Companion by Rezz Room  Mood